Page 45 - CFAN_Jun2014
P. 45
Sparkleberry May Offer New
Hope to Blueberry Growers
as much as $6,000 per acre on pine bark to make
sandy soil suitable for their crop. hey count on
labor to hand pick berries, as well as high prices
during an exclusive spring marketing window to
make it all pay of.
When things go wrong, like they did this season, the use of pine bark. Native to the southeastern
the cost of doing business may become too high. United States, the sparkleberry has a wide and deep
However, University of Florida / Institute of Food root system, making it more drought tolerant. he
and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) researchers are berry is smaller, darker in color, seedy and gritty, and
working to change that.
not very appealing to eat compared with cultivated
blueberry. It also has less natural, outer wax. What is
hrough research on a blueberry relative, the
sparkleberry, they hope to be
Native to the southeastern particularly attractive, however,
able to produce new blueberries
United States, the is that the plant has a trunk,
sparkleberry wide
that require little or no pine
has a and making it more suitable for the
deep root system, making it
bark—and can be mechanically
more drought tolerant.
harvesting machine. Cultivated
harvested. “We’re interested in
blueberries are multi-caned, so
it because it grows as a tree,” explains Dr. Rebecca catcher plates on the harvester can’t close completely.
Darnell, a plant physiologist at UF in Gainesville.
“here’s a lot of fruit that’s lost” in mechanically
Sparkleberry, a wild relative of the edible harvested blueberry plants, Dr. Darnell explains.
blueberry, can grow in naturally sandy soils without
However, researchers aim to change all that by
continued on next page
IF YOU ARE LOOKING to buy or sell a home, homework before the big test? Preparing for a real estate
business, or agriculture property, take a look at the ben- auction is really no diferent. Do your research on the
eits of purchasing and selling via the auction method. home, property, or business to be auctioned before com-
Many buyers and sellers have found the auction a perfect ing to the event. here are websites to assist in this area.
answer to fulill their needs.
First go to the county property appraiser's site and get
As a seller, you receive the highest price the bidder is the legal boundaries of the property, and the size of the by DONALD KIRKLAND
willing to pay. As a buyer, you are paying one bid more, lot, or acreage. Zillow is another good source to get val-
than anyone else is willing to pay. his process produces ues of comparable homes or properties in the area. he BIO: Donald Kirkland (AU 1803 AB 158) is a third generation Floridian, from Medulla
(South Lakeland) and admitted “Florida Cracker.” He has worked at Higgenbotham
"fair market value." However, there are certain steps that auction company’s website will have information on the Auctioneers since 1993. Donald enjoys the agriculture community spirit, 4-H, FHA,
every buyer should take before attending the auction to property being ofered. Check it out and be ready to bid FFA. Donald is a certiied and licensed auctioneer and real estate associate.
ensure that their trip (and hopefully their winning bid) is when auction time arrives.
a success. Let's talk about the irst step:
In next month's column, we will look at step two and his column is sponsored by Donald Kirkland and Higgenbotham
Auctioneers. Take a look at our website: We have
get you on your way to becoming an informed bidder a home that will be sold ABSOLUTE, January 16 at 4 p.m., 1605 NW 35th
that is ready to make a wise property decision.
street, Winter Haven. Look online for a complete listing. You can contact me at
Remember your school days when it paid to do your or (863) 607-7877.
CFAN | 45