Page 40 - CFAN_Mar2014
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e q u i n e
Seedway Expands
Southeast Vegetable EXPANDING
Seed Sales Team
- Jake Cowart has joined
SEEDWAY as sales representative RIDERS’
for commercial vegetable seed. As
part of the SEEDWAY sales team,
he will be responsible for vegetable
seed sales and service to commer- HORSEMANSHIP
cial growers in designated areas of Horizons
Northern and Central Florida.
A native of Southwest Georgia,
Cowart attended Abraham Bald-
win College, studying agricultural
marketing and management. Jake
brings over 15 years of experience
to the SEEDWAY team, including At the Polk County 4-H Open Horse Show
crop production and protection, lo-
cal commodities, and agricultural
equipment. Utilizing his broad by BLAIR TOWNLEY
base of experience, Jake will work
It’s easy to see why, with
closely with growers providing seed value RESPONSIBILITY. CONFIDENCE. DEVOTION TO EXCELLENCE.
the that comes
from working with Every parent, teacher, and mentor desires their young minds to acquire these qualities,
SEEDWAY offers one of the which are essential to anyone’s success in life. Young riders who recently took part in the
most comprehensive vegetable experienced horse trainers,
as they learn the rules Polk County 4-H Open Horse Show, which concluded in early February, acquired these
seed product lines in the industry, important virtues as they prepared for the show, and for future horsemanship opportunities.
serving growers from locations in and regulations for taking
part in a professional show.
Elizabethtown, PA and Lakeland,
FL, with product research trials in
“The main purpose for the Polk County skills and, often times, 4-H members members in neighboring counties also
Hershey, PA and Plant City, FL.
ABOUT SEEDWAY: Headquar- 4-H Open Horse Show is to give youth will help run show rings as they practice competing in the event. It’s easy to see
a venue to practice and develop their leadership, teamwork, and generosity.”
why, with the value that comes from
tered in Hall, NY, SEEDWAY, LLC
horsemanship skills, while improving The show is open to the community as working with experienced horse trainers,
maintains locations in Trumans- their character, discipline, citizenship and well each year, and Squitieri remembers as they learn the rules and regulations for
burg and Mecklenburg, NY; Shore-
responsibility, which is the purpose for one memorable competitor, a man in his taking part in a professional show.
ham, VT; Mifflinburg, Emmaus
and Elizabethtown, PA; and Lake- 4-H horse projects,” says Polk County 4-H 80s, who participated for the first time at The Polk County 4-H Club also has
Agent Amanda Squitieri.
the event. It is moments like that where members that have represented the
land, FL. A full-line seed company,
marketing farm, and turf seed in From age eight and up, riders were Squitieri and all members involved witness county in area and state horse shows,
able to participate in as many as six age- the long-lasting merit and significance of along with the 4-H South Regional Horse
fourteen Northeast and Mid-Atlan-
tic states and vegetable seed from appropriate classes during the show, the 4-H Open Horse Show.
Show. Members also are currently on the
classes that test their skills as well as “Observing the resilience, dedication UF Equestrian Team and Horse Judging
the US Rocky Mountains to the east
their dedication to the equestrian sport. and skills of the youth, as well as the Team.
coast and in the southern provinces Younger riders are also introduced to teamwork and commitment of the 4-H “Our 4-H members achieve their
of Canada, SEEDWAY, LLC is a
the safety aspects of the 4-H show, such volunteers (those who prepare for the own personal goals while also being
subsidiary of GROWMARK, Inc.,
Bloomington, IL. For more infor- as wearing helmets, preparing horses for show) is rewarding to me, from the county encouraged towards positive self-esteem,
riding, and what to be aware of as they perspective,” she concludes. “It is a great goal-setting, and discipline where youth
mation, visit
opportunity to encourage the community are able to see the fruits of their hard work
There was an increase in competitors to participate in and appreciate and dedication,” Amanda states. “They
for the January show, with some 4-H
horsemanship.” ag
receive feedback on how to improve their
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