IFAS In Your Corner

Is Agritourism Right for Your Farm?

by LUIS RODRIGUEZphoto by TYLER JONES, UF/IFAS Many farmers are considering agritourism as a new...

The First Step to Controlling Nematodes Is Identifying Them

by LUIS RODRIGUEZ, UF/IFAS Extension Polk County Many things can be considered pests. Some of...

UF scientists meeting craft brewer demand by converting hops to pellets

by BRAD BUCK, UF/IFAS Many craft brewers prefer to make their product using hops pellets...

Cover Crops Do Much More Than Just Protect the Soil

by LUIS RODRIGUEZ, UF/IFAS Extension Polk County Cover crops are used to improve soil fertility...

Farming Isn’t Easy, but These 5 Resources Are On Your Side

by LUIS RODRIGUEZ, UF/IFAS Polk Extension We know that farming and ranching is not an...

11 Tips to Minimize Pesticide Impacts on the Environment and Humans 

by LUIS RODRIGUEZ, UF/IFAS Extension Polk County Although pesticides are an effective method for pest...

Agri-Fest 2024: Florida Farms Station Overview

by LUIS RODRIGUEZ, UF/IFAS Extension Polk County Every year, UF/IFAS Extension Polk County, Polk County...

Artichokes, Known as a Healthy Food Crop, Also Make for Pretty Plants

by BRAD BUCK, UF/IFAS Did you know you can plant artichokes in your garden or...

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Is Crucial for Growers, Ranchers 

by LUIS O. RODRIGUEZ ROSADO Pesticides are a common effective method for pest control in...

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