Preparation and Dedication Amid the Hustle and Bustle of the Youth Fair

by CLAYTON KEENE, Polk County FFA Federation Officer

The start of the new year is always the busiest time of year for members in Polk County FFA chapters and 4-H chapters. The Polk County Youth Fair was held the during last week of January. We had many different events and animal shows throughout the week. From Jan. 24 – 27, Polk County had more than 500 students preparing to compete with their market hogs. All the market hogs that made the weight requirements were shown and then sold in an auction open to the public. 

Addison Kinney is a student at Lake Wales High School in the Lake Wales Sr. FFA program. Addison raised her own market hogs through artificial insemination with her breeder sow, Trouble. Addison is the owner of K4 Showpigs. She has been raising her own hogs for more than two years. Trouble is a Hampshire sow that Addison has raised. She has used semen from boars from Shaffer’s Gold Rush. Addison has been very successful with the hogs she has raised. She has done well at many shows with her bred and owned hogs, such as the Polk County Youth Fair and Central Florida Youth in Agriculture. Addison also shows cattle and has raised steers for the past few years. She is starting her own cow-calf operation. She has bought her first heifer, which is a registered Charolais, from Tiger Lake Cattle Company. Addison will begin her heifer in a breeding program at the end of the year, once the show season is over. She will start her own cow-calf herd for her to raise and show. 

Steers are also very popular at the Polk County Youth Fair. Steers were shown Jan. 30 and sold the following day. Wyatt Keene is another member of the Lake Wales Sr. FFA program. Wyatt showed his second steer at the Polk County Youth Fair. His steer was a Brangus cross. He purchased his steer from Barber Show Cattle. Wyatt fed his steer Godfrey’s show feed. Wyatt had the opportunity to take his steer to many shows across Florida. Wyatt said one the challenges that he had to deal with this year was working the hair and keeping his steer fluffy. He had to wash his steer daily to make sure that the hair did not kink up and that things did not get caught in the hair. Wyatt said he was very excited to be able to show his steer and see old friends again. Wyatt also showed a heifer from Mixon Cattle Company and a bull from Mixon Cattle Company. 

Wyatt is also on the livestock judging team for Lake Wales. All livestock teams competed at the Polk County Youth Fair to prepare for the upcoming state preliminary Florida FFA Livestock Judging Career Development Event at the Florida State Fair. 

After the Polk County Youth Fair, many of our 4-H and FFA members will be exhibiting their livestock at the Florida State Fair in Tampa from Feb. 6-17. You can find more information on show schedules and daily events by exploring Be sure to head on over to the state fair and support these students and their hard work!

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