A Different Kind of Education

If you recently felt more excitement in the air but you weren’t quite sure why, I think I can explain. 

The Central Florida ag community was abuzz this past month as students from all corners of the area came together for the Polk County Youth Fair. The much-anticipated event gives kids a chance to test their skills and compete while also learning the bonds of camaraderie and good sportsmanship. Tears are shed, smiles are shared, and lifelong memories are made.

I’ll be the first to tell you that reading, writing, and arithmetic make up the building blocks of education. But I’m also a firm believer of the idea that they are just that — building blocks. It’s what a student does with those skills, how they incorporate them into their lives to follow their passion, that makes the magic happen.

When those building blocks are integrated into ag education, that magic starts to take a new shape. It takes the shape of life lessons that take root and grow. Those life lessons prepare kids for more than just a career in ag. It prepares them for the future. They learn the importance of community, teamwork, and preparation, as well as the principles of land stewardship, food origins, and an appreciation for where their food comes from. 

I don’t know about you, but I think that’s an education worth investing in. Check out our exclusive photos from the County Fair inside this edition and on our website at CentralFloridaAgNews.com/2023-Polk-County-Youth-Fair.  

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