FFA Corner

Polk County Year in Review

by JESSICA ANDERSON To say this year has been a busy year may be a bit of an understatement. Polk County FFA chapters have gone above and beyond in areas of career and leadership development, community service, and chapter development. We are proud of their accomplishments and want to encourage them to continue seeking ways […]

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Polk County Year in Review

by JESSICA ANDERSON To say this year has been a busy year may be a bit of an understatement. Polk County FFA chapters have gone above and beyond in areas of career and leadership development, community service, and chapter development. We are proud of their accomplishments and want to encourage them to continue seeking ways

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FFA Corner

Students Score Well in Competitions, Gear Up for Sub-Districts by JESSICA ANDERSON Polk County FFA members have been hard at work the past few months preparing for a variety of events. Everything from creed speaking, public speaking, practicing forestry skills, citrus evaluation, tool identification, and even tractor driving have been on the agenda for the

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