
Fruit Trees Aren’t Just for the Pros, Learn for Yourself!

by DAVID AUSTIN, UF/IFAS Extension Highlands County There’s nothing more refreshing than enjoying the shade...

Cultivating Change

New Highlands County Extension Agent Ready to Take on the Challenges by REBEKAH PIERCE Ranking...

The Cutting Edge

As Noble Ag Nears Its Centennial, Technology Keeps It Competitive by PAUL CATALA Nearly 100...

A Social Endeavor

Woman’s Vision Unites Consumers With Locally Grown Produce by REBEKAH PIERCE What if you could...

‘Still the Queen of Florida Citrus’ 

Brenda Eubanks Burnette Named 2024 Citrus Achievement Award Winner by RYAN MILEJCZAK photos provided by...

Florida’s Climate Makes It a Watermelon Heavyweight

by RYAN MILEJCZAK Sponsored by Farm Credit of Central Florida Summer is in full swing...

Annual Citrus Recap: Is the Worst Over?

OTC Injections and Improved Tree Health Are Instilling Hope in Growers by PAUL CATALA The...

Coyotes — the Predator Under Watch by UF Cameras, Scientists

by BRAD BUCK Every 15 minutes, 365 days a year, University of Florida scientists can...

Woman of the Year in Agriculture

Sandra Moore a Staunch Advocate of the Tropical Fish Industry by PAUL CATALA Since she...

Citrus Greening Stopgap?

Promising Trunk Injection Results Show Increased Size, Better Juice Quality, and Lower Fruit Drop Rate...

2024 Blueberry Season Recap

Price Drop Closes an Otherwise Strong Season by RYAN MILEJCZAK As Florida blueberry growers reflect...

Florida Takes Second Place in U.S. Tomato Production

by RYAN MILEJCZAK Sponsored by Farm Credit Central Florida The tomato is a favorite of...

Rising From Tragedy

Bok Academy North’s FFA Program Rebuilding After Devastating Loss by REBEKAH PIERCE For students in...

‘Where I Was Meant to Be’

Emma Self Wins Warner University’s Royal Cup Scholarship by LILY DUCE Emma Self, a 2023...

UF Study Finds High Plant Diversity in Residential Landscapes

by BRAD BUCK, UF/IFAS When you look at your yard, you probably see a few...

Highlands County Farm Bureau Speech Contest 

Photos provided by DANIELLE DAUM Congratulations to all the students who participated in the Highlands...

Lightseys Receive Conservation Legacy Award

by PAUL CATALA photo provided For decades, Cary Lightsey and his wife, Marcia, have been...

Ag Leader in the Making

Charleigh Wood a Rising Star With Sights Set on a Future in Ag by RYAN...

Meet 2024 Polk County Cattlemen’s Sweetheart Bailey Lightsey

by RYAN MILEJCZAKphotos by TOM HAGERTY Every year, each Florida county names a passionate and...

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