IFAS In Your Corner

Spider Mites: Arthropod Pests but Not Insects

by LUIS RODRIGUEZ In Florida, many organisms are plant pests. Among these are arthropods. Arthropods...

The Costs of Keeping an Open Cow

by HANNAH BAKER, State Specialized Agent, Beef & Forage Economics One decision that has to...

Is Agritourism Right for Your Farm?

by LUIS RODRIGUEZ photo by TYLER JONES, UF/IFAS Many farmers are considering agritourism as a...

The First Step to Controlling Nematodes Is Identifying Them

by LUIS RODRIGUEZ, UF/IFAS Extension Polk County Many things can be considered pests. Some of...

UF scientists meeting craft brewer demand by converting hops to pellets

by BRAD BUCK, UF/IFAS Many craft brewers prefer to make their product using hops pellets...

Cover Crops Do Much More Than Just Protect the Soil

by LUIS RODRIGUEZ, UF/IFAS Extension Polk County Cover crops are used to improve soil fertility...

Farming Isn’t Easy, but These 5 Resources Are On Your Side

by LUIS RODRIGUEZ, UF/IFAS Polk Extension We know that farming and ranching is not an...

11 Tips to Minimize Pesticide Impacts on the Environment and Humans 

by LUIS RODRIGUEZ, UF/IFAS Extension Polk County Although pesticides are an effective method for pest...

Agri-Fest 2024: Florida Farms Station Overview

by LUIS RODRIGUEZ, UF/IFAS Extension Polk County Every year, UF/IFAS Extension Polk County, Polk County...

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