It’s Your Time to Shine

There’s always a bit of buzz that comes with the October edition of Central Florida Ag News. The air is full of possibility as citrus growers await the USDA’s official season forecast and the announcement of the Polk County Farm Bureau Ag Program of the Year and Teacher of the Year is made. We always look forward to this edition because it gives us the opportunity to brag about some amazing dreams being created in Polk County classrooms.

This year, the edition comes with even more promise for the future because the Polk County Culinary Initiative, which we first introduced in our July edition, is starting to take shape and gain momentum. We spoke with Visit Central Florida to learn more about the farm-to-fork push, and we spoke with Black Sheep Farms’ Julia Davis about how the newfound partnership is expanding the company’s business and solidifying its bonds within the Polk community. Make sure to read our feature on page 14.

We’ve been proud to partner with Visit Central Florida and the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services to help raise awareness of the initiative. While the ins and outs of the initiative are sussed out, we have a short and simple call to action for ranchers and growers.


The website is a database where growers can create a free profile and list what commodities they have. This site will be the focal point of the initiative, providing a directory that restaurants can turn to in order to source locally grown goods. A profile should include the location, website, contact information, and commodities. I urge you to create a free profile so you can benefit from the initiative.

While still in the very early stages, the initiative holds so much promise for the ag community. Growers win, restaurants win, the county wins, and stronger ties are forged within the community. You can’t argue with that.

Thanks for reading, and God bless!

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