Keeping FFA Current With a New Podcast

by AUTUMN McMAHAN, Polk County FFA Federation Officer

FFA was founded in 1928, and it’s safe to say a lot has changed in our world since then. But the message of FFA is timeless, as students at Bok Academy North are proving with their new podcast, “Chronicles From Inside the Jacket.” In this podcast, the FFA members share the message and activities of the FFA in a modern way, accessible to everyone, just like agriculture and FFA itself. 

They posted their first episode on August 19, titled “What is the FFA?” It was hosted by Brianna and Emily, Bok Academy North’s President and Vice President, and goes into detail about what FFA is, and what it means to them. Then, in their most recent episode, they interviewed the current District 8 President, asking, “How did you get started in FFA?”

 This podcast provides an opportunity for future District or State officers/candidates to connect with their community in a way that is not only relevant, but also easily accessible to everyone. Staying connected like this and being able to adapt and change with the world is how the FFA has been able to thrive for more than 96 years, and will continue to do so, no matter what challenges are thrown our way.

This podcast also provides a perfect opportunity to connect with the members of our communities who don’t know what FFA is or even what agriculture is. It gives them an opportunity to learn more about FFA and ag outside of the club or class and introduce them to FFA in a way that is easily accessible and easy to understand. This allows us to extend our reach to people who aren’t from an agricultural background, introducing new perspectives to the world of agriculture and creating a community of agricultural advocates.

This podcast can also help kids who are in FFA already to stay in the know about things going on in their community. It allows them to connect with their officers and their leaders to learn more about the people who lead events and make decisions for the community. This podcast is a modern way to keep FFA students in the loop.

The “Chronicles From Inside the Jacket” podcast is a great way to keep FFA current, connect Central Florida, and introduce non-members to FFA. This wonderful group of kids have taken the initiative to start this project with the help of their advisor, Jennifer Williams, and hopefully it will inspire others to connect with their communities in new and innovative ways.

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