Optimism & Obstinance

You’ll often hear me talk about the importance of finding — and sharing — the bright spot in the news stories we publish. For example, I was particularly struck by how the community rallied to help Bok Academy North after dogs wreaked havoc on their animals, and our article on the lack of large animal veterinarians actually garnered more appreciation for the hard work and dedication of the specialized vets we DO have available in our area.

I have to admit that going into the Annual Citrus Report edition of Central Florida Ag News can be a little unpredictable. We’re not naive; we know the citrus industry is in the midst of its most formidable challenge yet. But we also know there are growers and researchers in the community who are moving the industry forward every day through the use of technology and ingenuity. (In fact, you can read more about one of those growers in our feature on the Roes on page 14.) 

Even when those of us here at Ag News are hopeful, others — those literally in the field — may not be. We understand that.

But this year was different. As we talked to growers and researchers for this edition, we were struck by their (frankly, unexpected) hopefulness. Most reported that trunk injections and protective covers had improved tree health substantially, while others expressed similar cautious optimism. (Read the season recap on page 8 to learn more.)

Optimism is a peculiar thing. When it’s least expected is when it has the most profound impact. 

Here’s to continued improvements for an embattled industry that could be on the brink of rising from the ashes.

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