Perspective and Progress

It can be easy to get sidetracked by doom-and-gloom headlines these days, regardless of the topic. But I come from the school of thought that no matter how difficult the challenges may be, they’re not without their lessons. It’s about perspective and progress. That’s particularly true for this edition — our Annual Citrus Roundup Edition. 

Here’s the thing: We’re not hammering home notes of desperation. Instead, we’re going deeper to talk to the growers and industry professionals who are in the thick of it to gain perspective. We’re not always the bearer of good news, but I can honestly say we are always the bearer of hope. 

In our citrus season recap, we’re not burying the lead. Production was dismal. But we were lucky enough to talk to those in the industry who have not lost hope. Why? Progress, plain and simple. Researchers are attacking greening on multiple fronts. These aren’t just any researchers; these are the best of the best. Their numbers will be further strengthened by the millennials and Generation Z, who are bringing a renewed drive and fresh perspective to the field. 

Just recently, 250 of the best and brightest in these up-and-coming generations attended the Florida Farm Bureau Young Farmers & Ranchers “Rooted in Resilience” Leadership Conference. The three-day event helped them learn and network with farm leaders throughout the state to focus on how farm families that are rooted in their communities manage to thrive despite formidable challenges. 

We all know that times are tough in the citrus business. So, here’s your homework: Next time you run into a grower, thank him or her for their efforts.

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