
A smoother transition for passing on the family farming tradition

THE 2012 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE counted 2.1 million farms in the U.S., with 97 percent being considered family-owned operations. While that designation could be any number of configurations of family members, siblings, and extended kin, the one that packs the most important punch is the multigenerational family farming business. We count the number of farming

A smoother transition for passing on the family farming tradition Read More »

Commissioner’s AgriCorner: Rolling out a multifaceted plan for continued support of Florida citrus

FLORIDA IS KNOWN for its white sandy beaches, world-class attractions, and (my personal favorite) citrus. Look no further than Florida’s official license plate, with its image of two oranges and an orange blossom, as proof of its place in our history and culture. Florida has been synonymous with citrus for most of our 500-year history

Commissioner’s AgriCorner: Rolling out a multifaceted plan for continued support of Florida citrus Read More »

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