How new technologies can make your job easier

DURING THE YEAR we have talked about cloud computing, the use of tablet computers in agriculture, and vein readers and facial recognition as emerging technologies for harvesting data collection. [emember_protected custom_msg=”Click here and register now to read the rest of the article!”]

Well, technologies don’t always pan out, as is the case with vein readers and facial recognition. They have been known to work with expensive gear, but not at an acceptable price point for agricultural harvesting.

We now have tablets loaded with the Windows operating system featuring touch-screen software and several useful applications. You are now able to check workers in and out, accumulate harvesting units like citrus tubs and boxes, allow the worker to physically accept the time and pieces for the day, and then capture a signature in the field. The data and signature is subsequently sent to a website to be reconciled and then forwarded to your payroll system or payroll service provider. It’s easy, simple, and cost effective. It’s also available in English and Spanish.

Thousands of workers are being clocked in electronically now. The challenge of combining tight labor compliance, cost effectiveness, and simplicity has been solved. Gone is the paper in the field and all the other devices like bar code scanners and fingerprint readers. All you need now is a tablet computer filled with some software and you are good to go. This is big news for harvesters!


column by RICK MONTNEY

BIO: Rick Montney is vice president of ProPak Software. His extensive experience spans more than 35 years in business information systems technologies, with previous employment at Exxon Office Systems, Information & Computing Services, and IBM. For the past 20 years, his focus has been on agricultural software technologies. [/emember_protected]

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