Publisher Letter: The local economy and agriculture’s major impact

YOU MIGHT HAVE HEARD me say before that agriculture is one of the “sweet spots” of Florida’s economy. As an economic powerhouse, the state’s agriculture industry is a multibillion-dollar trade, supporting jobs for many of our residents across all of its 67 counties.

One of the driving business reasons why we started Central Florida Ag News magazine was because we understood the significance that agriculture carries in holding up our economy — and therefore, the demand for a quality publication seemed obvious. In fact, Central Florida Media Group’s original business plan was based in part on what we learned from the initial Central Florida Development Council’s “SRI” study (Study of Regional Impact). Now, nearly five years later, a follow-up to that original Economic Impact Study has been completed to verify what most of us in the ag industry already know — except with the results comes the hard facts. And the numbers do not lie. Agriculture is just as important now to our economy and our communities as it ever has been.

The detailed results of this study will be presented at the Agriculture Economic Summit, on February 26, from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., at the Lake Eva Banquet Hall in Haines City. If you have interest in learning about the key economic drivers in our region and particularly agriculture, then I recommend that you be present to hear the results of this updated study.

It seems appropriate that the results of this study be shared at a time when some folks are still evaluating their new year’s goals and objectives for their businesses. While the results of the study will remind us how important agriculture is to our economy, I’d remind our readers that goals and objectives are an essential ingredient to business success. In other words, just like we — as an industry — are committed to putting the importance of agriculture to our economy down on paper through this recently released study, so should you commit to your resolutions by writing them down and following up with the action needed to fulfill those promises. As we dive headlong into the new year, I wish that you and your ambitions for the new year will bear the fruits of success.



Nelson Kirkland is publisher of Central Florida Ag News. He may be reached by e-mail at



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