Publisher Letter: Happy anniversary, Central Florida Ag News!


THIS EDITION of Central Florida Ag News has a very special theme, one that I believe captures the spirit of our agriculture community. In this year’s Annual Citrus Report, we present the latest numbers on the recent harvest and the cutting-edge research under way to help find long-term solutions for citrus greening. Also in the pages of this edition, you’ll read about recent efforts to raise awareness of the citrus industry in the eyes of children through a partnership between the Florida Department of Citrus and Marvel comic books. His name is Captain Citrus, and the voice of this character is a person whose “real” superpowers we reveal in our Florida Roots story. Like this individual, the real heroes of our community are people who do their part to keep our mouths fed and our economy going strong.

All this talk of heroes makes me think of my better half, Dot, who has supported me every step of the way since the founding of Central Florida Media Group (CFMG) and the launching of its seven publications. This month, we celebrate 27 years of marriage!

July also marks the five-year anniversary of Central Florida Ag News (CFAN) magazine! By upholding the highest standards and ensuring we always produce a top-notch publication, we’ve won the loyalty of over 56,000 readers (and growing). Here at CFMG, we believe in the old acronym “T”ogether, “E”veryone, “A”chieves, “M”ore; and thanks to our loyal advertisers and readers, CFAN is stronger than ever.

I’d like to take a moment to thank our dedicated and talented staff as well as contributing team for all their hard work. To the state and local farm bureau, we extend our gratitude for their continued endorsement and partnership, and look forward to many more years of a fruitful relationship. To our faithful readers, it’s our pleasure to bring you many more editions of relevant ag news. To our advertising patrons and media clients — many of which have been here from the start — your business keeps the wheels in motion, and we appreciate the opportunity to serve you by connecting you with a growing audience. Last, but certainly not least, I thank the good Lord above and my family, without whom I would not have been able to undertake this incredible journey.

In the spirit of the theme, I hope you enjoy reading this edition of Central Florida Ag News — “the voice of our real heroes for the region.”



Nelson Kirkland is publisher of Central Florida Ag News. He may be reached by e-mail at



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