By Patrck Spinosa
Farmers, ranchers, and ag landowners in Florida know how important our natural resources are in running a successful operation and take their roles as environmental stewards very seriously. Increasing operational efficiencies and improving conservation and management practices can be expensive, though. Fortunately, there are programs in place that offer financial assistance to encourage these improvements.
The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) works with multiple organizations to assist farmers in implementing Best Management Practices (BMPs) to protect soil, water, air, wildlife habitats, and related natural resources.
According to the FDACS, BMPs are “practical, cost-effective actions that agricultural producers can take to conserve water and reduce the amount of pesticides, fertilizers, animal waste, and other pollutants entering our water resources.”
FDACS has partnered with the USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service, The Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Florida’s water management districts, and Florida’s soil and water conservation districts to fund Cost Share programs that provide financial assistance to operations who implement BMPs.
For a list of Cost Share programs offered throughout Florida, visit (will be a QR code).
Implementing BMPs using Cost Share programs is one of many ways farmers and ranchers can use sustainable water practices while still meeting crop production goals and being good stewards of the land and our natural resources.
AgAmerican’s know that land is our greatest asset, understand the importance of protecting our natural resources, and are here to help our nation’s farmers and ranchers in their efforts to be good stewards of these resources. If you’re considering a change in strategy within your operation, whether it’s conservation, diversification, or expansion, give our team of experts a call at 844-238-5312.
This column is sponsored by AgAmerica Lending, and the opinions expressed herein may not reflect those of CFAN or of its advertisers.
BIO: Patrick Spinosa, a Relationship Manager for AgAmerica Lending, grew up on a fifth-generation Florida citrus and cattle operation. He believes that experience and knowledge are invaluable as he helps secure the financial future of our nation’s farmers and ranchers. For more information about Patrick and the AgAmerica team, call 844-238-5312 or visit