Polk County Farm Bureau President’s Letter: December 2019

Polk County Farm Bureau members traveled to Tallahassee this month to hold discussions of key state issues with lawmakers. The occasion was Florida Farm Bureau Day, a volunteer event that provides an opportunity for farm families from around the state to present their responsible perspectives on various state policies. We addressed water policy and the benefits of agricultural Best Management Practices, among other topics.  I am thankful that our Polk legislative delegation members recognize the benefits of farms and ranches for all of Florida, and trust that they will continue to support our farm families during the session. 

As we enjoy the holiday season, don’t forget to support our local youth at the 2020 Polk County Youth Fair, January 25th – 31st!  For more information and a schedule of youth fair events, visit www.pcyf.net.

The dates of the 2020 Polk County Agri-Fest have been set and volunteers may now register for the March 9th – 13th and 16th – 20th event.  If you can take a few hours on any of these mornings to serve as an advocate for our industry, please contact Lori Kuehl at 863-533-0561 or


.  I want to say a special thanks to the Florida’s Natural Growers Foundation for their support of this event that allows us to educate almost 6,000 local 4th-grade students on agriculture and its impact on their lives.

Member Benefits: Florida Farm Bureau has partnered with the University of Florida Athletic Association to offer discounted tickets to 2020 Gator Basketball games.  Tickets for members start at $15 for the following games:


UF vs. Alabama – January 4th

UF vs. Vanderbilt – February 15th

UF vs. Kentucky – March 7th


Members can purchase tickets at https://fevo.me/gatorsffb or more information contact Ali Baker at


, 352-384-2630.  

On behalf of the board of directors of Polk County Farm Bureau, we wish you a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year! 


Dean T. Evans


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