Ben Adams, Jr.

AA Ratings Are Who We Are

For the third year in a row, Adams Cold Storage received the AA rating after our annual BRC Global Standards Audit in late February. 


The rating, which reflects the highest score for BRCGS, is a globally recognized scale that ensures companies comply with food safety legislation, and are maintaining the highest standards in the storage & distribution of safe, quality food products. That Adams Cold Storage has earned the highest rating not only underscores our commitment to excellence, but also gives our customers the satisfaction of knowing that our rating reflects tangible evidence that ACS is an extension of their own high standards. 


None of this, of course, would happen if it weren’t for the people most responsible for our success: the men and women who together make ACS something special. We are thankful for the dedication of our employees — the managers, the supervisors, the Warehouse Team members, the Refrigeration & Maintenance staff, and the Customer Service teams.  These uniquely qualified professionals perform with daily, consistent attention to detail, and quality work product.


For example, consider our night crew. ACS handles tens of thousands of unique cases/SKU’s each week — each order must be picked, checked, tagged and stored in the right place. Any time a package is moved or an order relocated, we must be able to precisely track its movement. The next morning, the day crews check it all again before shipment. 


When it comes time for the audit, one of the standards tested involves an arbitrary selection by the auditor of two or more shipments (out of thousands) completed during the prior year. We have to demonstrate complete traceability and documentation to the auditor, with 100 percent accounting of all cases/SKU’s involved in the selected test items. 


Our audited attention to detail also has consistently given us a 99.98 percent order fulfillment rate since 2012. It’s one of the key performance indicators we focus on throughout the year, and one of reasons our customers have trusted us since we first opened our doors in 2010.


That kind of tracking cannot be trusted to computers alone — that kind of performance only comes from dedicated employees.

And we are proud of all of them!

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