Agritech update: Data collection in field at root of success

Your success as a farmer is in the field, where you reap the harvest of your labors. It’s no different with agri-technology: Getting it right in the field is key! [emember_protected custom_msg=”Click here and register now to read the rest of the article!”]

Farmers need to gather data by pad and pencil, simple forms they manually fill out, or a mobile software application that collects data and stores it in a centralized location. Obviously, we’ve progressed way beyond the pad and pencil.

To make the most of our technological possibilities, we need to:

• Define the storage location – local computer/server or cloud-based server?

• Buy, build or both – the central database repository software for our operation.

• Map out the data sources – vendor invoices, checks, scouting observations, harvesting tickets, etc.

• Develop a plan to collect, store and analyze the farming data in a desirable method such as a report, chart, graph, map, computer, mobile device, etc.

Because technology allows us to track a staggering amount of agronomic and equipment data, we need to master that data to be efficient. We need to take advantage of ways to manage that mountain of data so the information we need isn’t lost in the noise.

Business intelligence tools deliver the information in an easy-to-understand manner, while giving us the ability to extract the most minute detail. In today’s complex, data-intense farming world, gathering accurate and relevant data is important. It can help increase the entire operation’s profitability.


column by RICK MONTNEY

BIO: Rick Montney is the vice president of ProPak Software. His extensive experience spans more than 35 years in business information systems technologies, with previous employment at Exxon Office Systems, Information & Computing Services and IBM. For the past 20 years, his focus has been on agricultural software technologies.

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