Dr. Kimber Vasquez

Allergy Prevention Tips for Farm Workers, Gardeners, and Lovers of the Great Outdoors

Spring is here, and, in Florida, that means several things: It means many farm workers are busy harvesting; that backyard growers and gardeners are in full swing; and outdoor enthusiasts are taking full advantage of the beautiful weather. However, the coming of spring also means that a lot of allergens are out there, where you need—and want— to be. Here are a few important reminders for allergy prevention and management at this time of year:

If you know what you’re allergic to and when it’s blooming, plan ahead. Start your allergy medicine before what you are allergic to is in full bloom and stay consistent with your medication. If you’re not sure what outdoor allergens you are most allergic to, make sure to talk with your doctor.

What you wear can help. For farm workers, sunglasses to cover your eyes and scarves to cover your mouth and nose are not just for sun protection but can also protect you from elements you are allergic to. For backyard growers and gardeners, consider a filter mask and protective eyewear.

Don’t forget to wash off the pollen. When the outdoor job or recreation is done, the old phrase “hit the showers” should apply to allergy sufferers because pollen is sticky.

We hope these tips are helpful, but don’t forget to consult with your doctor. Should you need health care services or have questions about your symptoms, don’t hesitate to reach out to our medical staff at (866) 234-8534.

This column is sponsored by Central Florida Health Care, Inc., and the opinions expressed herein may not reflect those of CFAN or of its advertisers.

Dr. Kimber Vasquez is a general practice physician with Central Florida Health Care, Inc, currently serving patients at our Avon Park location. To make an appointment with Dr. Vasquez or any of our medical team at one of our 12 locations, call (866) 234-8534. Visit cfhconline.org for more information.

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