When things get hectic on your farm or ranch, it’s easy to become overwhelmed. The best way to deal with that daily chaos is to organize your work schedule. Set your priorities for your work and personal life. [emember_protected custom_msg=”Click here and register now to read the rest of the article!”]
That’s the first step toward effective time management, according to the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). You’ll also want to look at important deadlines, routine maintenance, and downtime.
Here are more tips from the SBA:
• Hire out tasks you lack the skill to complete;
• Finish projects before their deadlines
• Plan ahead for your next work day and work week;
• Be flexible with your work schedule;
• Take breaks between busy periods and whenever you need them;
• Begin with the most challenging assignment. That will reduce anxiety for the rest of your work;
• Be ready to laugh. It helps keep things in perspective;
• Be flexible. It will keep stress levels down when family members need you; and
• Build in physical activity — another stress buster.
Don’t overlook the big picture. Consider your long-term goals and your partner’s as well. It’s also good to examine your personal and business goals, look at how long it will take to reach your goals, and the time available for community projects.
column by Baxter Troutman
BIO: Baxter Troutman is founder and chief executive officer of Labor Solutions, a staffing company with offices in Bartow, Winter Haven, Lake Wales, and Arcadia. A citrus grower who served in the Florida House of Representatives, Troutman understands the challenges and concerns of today’s farmer.