
Flooding in Florida?

The impacts to an agricultural operation from flooding, whether caused by a neighbor or by...

Essential Reminders When Budget Planning

January is the perfect time to look at the budget of your small business and...
Katie Hennessy

Don’t Be Sheepish About Vaccinations: Important Vaccines for Sheep and Goats

Vaccinations serve well as preventative measures in sheep or goats’ health care. Since these ruminant...
William "Bill" Doty

Tips to Keep Your Lawn Healthy, Come What May

The gardening tips for this month are a little different from years past. Due to...

Managing Your Land During Unpredictable Weather

The cold weather blast that came through the weekend prior to Christmas seemed to sneak...

The Year Ahead for Agritechnology

So, what’s in store for 2013 from an agritechnology perspective? For agriculture, we will see...

Commissioner’s AgriCorner: A Mid-Term Update

What’s Been Done and What’s Left to Do? Just two years ago, I was sworn...

Late-Season Cold Front Preparedness

January 2013 has definitely started out warmer than past years. This burst of temperate weather...

Getting Your Ducks in a Row for Maximum Deductions at Tax Time

A wise individual once said that there are only two certainties in life: death and...

PCFB: President’s Column (December 2012)

Over the past year, the Polk County Farm Bureau (PCFB) and its members have worked...

Winter Grass: Resist the Urge to Water More

Brown grass can be deceiving during wintertime in Florida. After that first frost, your lawn...

Editor’s Blog: Helping Out at the Lightsey Ranch

For this edition of Central Florida Ag News, I had the pleasure of visiting Lightsey...

Commissioner’s AgriCorner: On the Eve of a Significant Milestone for Florida

In 2013, Florida will celebrate 500 years since it was discovered by Juan Ponce de...
William "Bill" Doty

Putting Planting and Pruning Plans to Action

It’s hard to believe that we have already reached our final gardening tips for the...
Katie Hennessy

Preventing Unnecessary Pain in Your Horse’s Mouth

Have you ever bitten the side of your cheek or had a cavity? If you...
Ben Adams, Jr.

The use of RFID technology in the cold supply chain

Anyone involved in the transportation and warehousing of goods is likely aware of the acronym...

Publisher Letter: Another Great Year of Telling the Florida Agriculture Story

Another year has come and gone for Florida agriculture, and despite the uncertain hurdles ahead...

Citrus Update: It’s Time to Ride Groves and Order Resets

Citrus nurseries are backed up, more backed up than I’ve seen them in years. So...

Commissioner’s AgriCorner: The Future of Florida Agriculture is a Great Responsibility

Last month, more than 50,000 members of the FFA gathered in Indianapolis, Indiana, for the...

An Early Symptom Check for Tax Season

While we are still a few months away from tax season, it’s never too early...

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