Commissioner’s AgriCorner: Proposed EPA rule will redefine ‘waters’ of the U.S.
Despite the federal government’s long history of egregious overreach and land grabs, it recently outdid...
AgriNews: Farm Credit of Central Florida declares 2014 patronage refunds to members
Farm Credit of Central Florida Chairman of the Board, David J. Stanford, a Winter Garden...
Recipe Spotlight: Peaches on parade in the kitchen
It’s Florida and life’s a peach . . . at least it will be if...
Commissioner’s AgriCorner: Celebrating 100 years of extension
This year, Florida’s land grant universities—the University of Florida and Florida A&M University—celebrate the 100th...
Recipe Spotlight: A Dash of Sunshine for Southern Food Icons
There’s nothing like taking something Southern and making it something Southerner—a dish with Florida flair...
Commissioner’s AgriCorner: ‘Don’t Pack a Pest’ Campaign
The psyllids in our citrus groves, the pythons in the Everglades, and the lovebugs on...
Recipe Spotlight: Get Kids Eating with Florida-Inspired Cooking
The way kids fuss over food, it’s a wonder any of them grow up. We...
Commissioner’s AgriCorner: A ‘Nutrislice’ of Florida’s School Nutrition Program
Florida’s sunshine and temperate climate provide for more than a great vacation destination. Our unique...
@griTech: Drone Applications for Agriculture
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), or drones as they are sometimes called, are emerging as new...
Commisioner’s AgriCorner: Trade Development Mission to Panama
This year, the Panama Canal will celebrate its 100th anniversary since the first ship passed...
Recipe Spotlight: You cook Tomātoes, we cook Tomătoes!
Is it toe-may-to or toe-maa-to? That depends on where you are from and how you...
Recipe Spotlight: Creating NEW Interest in Old Favorites
Okay, the holidays are over. Now we settle back into the same-ol’, same-ol’ routines. That...
@griTech: Trending Now in Residential Landscaping
Residential landscaping is a big deal in Central Florida and it’s a labor of love...
Commissioner’s AgriCorner: Expansion of the Panama Canal
Florida exports $4 billion in agricultural commodities each year to more than 140 other countries...
Commissioner’s AgriCorner: About the Rural and Family Lands Protection Program
In November, families representing 50 operational farms and ranches from all across the state gathered...
Recipe Spotlight: Tropical Fruits Within Reach
Did you ever sit back, cross your legs on a hassock, pull your hat over...
Commissioner’s AgriCorner: ‘Florida Ag: By the Numbers’ Report
More than 500 years ago, when European settlers landed in Florida, livestock were raised and...
Recipe Spotlight: Four ideas for ‘crabby’ meals
There was a time when “crabby” was an insult. These days it’s delicious. Stone crabs...
Recipe Spotlight: Mixing it Up with the Culinary Wealth of Florida
We live in a culinary smoothie. Florida food is a bit of this and a...
Commissioner’s AgriCorner: ‘My Florida Farm Weather’ App
When deciding whether to irrigate during frost-freeze conditions or when to apply nutrients during wet...