Last month, we addressed the mandatory health insurance coverage provisions under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). However, certain groups are not required to be insured and thus are not subject to the penalty tax. The ACA specifically excludes people who are members of an exempt religious sect or division, members of a health-care sharing ministry, Native Americans, undocumented immigrants, incarcerated individuals, people whose income is so low that they don’t have to file federal income taxes, and people eligible for a hardship exemption (when the cost of insurance after employer contributions and federal subsidies exceeds 8 percent of their income).[emember_protected custom_msg=”Click here and register now to read the rest of the article!”]
What types of insurance are not affected by the healthcare reform law?
The healthcare reform law does not apply to automobile insurance, homeowners insurance, and umbrella liability coverage, even though they provide some health-related coverage. Also not subject to the law’s provisions are life, accident, disability, long-term care, and workers’ compensation insurance. Medigap (Medicare supplement) insurance is generally not covered by the ACA if it’s sold as a separate plan and not as part of a comprehensive health insurance policy. In addition, retiree-only plans are exempt from the ACA’s provisions. These plans are group health insurance plans with fewer than two participants who are current employees.
For more consumer information about enrolling in a health insurance plan, government subsidies, and tax credits, visit the U.S. government’s website,
As federal and state tax rules are subject to frequent changes, you should consult with a qualified tax advisor prior to making any investment decision.
BIO: Brad Dantzler is a trusted financial advisor with over 18 years of experience. He is active in his church and community, has been an active President’s Club member for six years, and is currently president of the Winter Haven Library Board as well as a Winter Haven city commissioner. [/emember_protected]