| CFAN May/June 2013 Web Exclusive Feature |
Florida Citrus Hall of Fame Fellowship
Jacob Crouch is a senior at Florida Southern College majoring in Philosophy with a minor in History. Although this is Jacob’s first year working as a fellow in the Citrus Hall of Fame, he has worked for two years previously at the McKay archives and has assisted in some Citrus Hall of Fame projects such as the “Barrels to Bins” exhibit. His primary duties include maintaining and organizing the online profiles of Hall of Fame members and maintaining, transcribing, and conducting oral histories. [emember_protected custom_msg=”Click here and register now to read the rest of the article!”]
After his 2013 graduation, Jacob plans to join Teach for America helping educate low income and inner city kids. After working for Teach for America, Jacob plans to attend graduate school for Economics or Public Policy and eventually work in civil service. He wants to devote his life to fixing the broken education system in our nation. Jake is a member of Kappa Alpha Order and Phi Alpha Delta Professional Society.
About the Florida Citrus Hall of Fame:
Based in Lakeland, the Florida Citrus Hall of Fame was established in 1962 to pay tribute to those who have made significant contributions to the Florida citrus industry. A committee representing various facets of the industry and all production regions of the state selects deserving recipients who are inducted each March at an annual luncheon ceremony held at Florida Southern College and co-sponsored by Florida Citrus Mutual and the Florida Department of Citrus. A permanent endowment fund was established in 2009 for future Citrus Hall of Fame projects, the Hall of Fame Student Fellowship Program and to maintain the display and web site in perpetuity.
To be added to the mailing list, to donate artifacts/memorabilia to the Florida Citrus Hall of Fame and the Florida Citrus Archives, or for more information about the Florida Citrus Hall of Fame, please contact Brenda Eubanks Burnette, Executive Director for the Florida Citrus Hall of Fame, at (561) 351-4314 or BBurne1003@aol.com or visit www.FloridaCitrusHallofFame.com.
To read more about the 2013 Fellowship Students, see page 11 of Central Florida Ag News, May 2013 Edition.
story and photo by BRENDA EUBANKS BURNETTE