Do you know your long-term care insurance options?

By checking the boxes that apply to you below, you can address some of the main concerns you have with long-term care insurance and offer alternative solutions. [emember_protected custom_msg=”Click here and register now to read the rest of the article!”]

____ “Never Considered It”: You have never considered the cost of long-term care expenses. You would be interested in learning more about the options available to you and how they fit into your financial future, but you’re not sure who to ask.

____ “You Are Aware, but You Don’t Know What to Do”: The cost of assisted living and nursing home facilities is a concern of yours. You would like to explore options that could protect you against costly long-term care expenses.

____ “Too Expensive”: You would like to protect yourself against long-term care expenses, but the insurance premiums are too expensive.

____ “You’re Not Sure You Will Need It”: You are concerned you will be paying for insurance you will never use.

____ “Self-Insured”: You believe you have enough money in savings that you could pay for yourself and/or your spouse to receive long-term care. You are not willing to give up access to assets to pay for long-term care insurance.

____ “Legacy”: It is a primary goal of yours to maximize the amount of assets you can pass on to your heirs. You try to minimize unnecessary expenses to maximize the assets you will be able to pass on.

Raymond James & Associates, Inc. member New York Stock Exchange/SIPC



BIO: Brad Dantzler, with 18 years of experience as a financial advisor, has been a President’s Club member for six years. He previously served as a financial advisor with Bank of America and Edward Jones. Brad has a bachelor of arts degree in ag economics from UF and an MBA from Nova Southeastern University. He is active in his church and community and is currently president of the Winter Haven Library Board and a Winter Haven city commissioner. [/emember_protected]

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