Ben Adams, Jr.

Making the Best of Each Day

Anyone else feel like we’ve been stuck in a real-life “Groundhog Day” movie for about 11 months now?


That 1993 comedy has been on my mind as January rolled into February and the annual tradition came and went. I’d easily take six more weeks of wintry weather if it also meant an early ending to the daily grind of the past year. There have been weeks where it felt like we woke up every morning to basically the same day:

  • The same newscasts wake us up;
  • The same gridlock in Washington;
  • The same hope that tomorrow will somehow be different … with the inner knowledge that the loop will still be waiting for us when we wake back up.


It’s easy to see why Phil Connors (Bill Murray) gets so cynical and tries to shortcut and trick his way into the perfect day. He’s just looking to break the monotony.


Not everyone tries tricks and shortcuts. We’ve said it before and say it again: the people who work at Adams Cold Storage consistently perform their duties to achieve 100 percent accuracy. Day in, day out they do their job — and each day often provides new challenges to help break the monotony. Each day, we hope to see that a better day may be closer than we think. COVID vaccinations are essential for essential workers in the critical infrastructure segment of food and agriculture, and we look forward to the day when the shots are available to our dedicated team.


We see hope in the small, but consistent uptick in the supply chain flow over the past quarter.  We have several customers whose retail grocery orders have not only maintained but are growing.  Two of our retail grocery providers have significantly enhanced sales through flexibility and the willingness to take on supply challenges with success in mind.  We are seeing customers’ second-quarter projections, which reflect sales increases of 10 to 30 percent in wholesale and retail sales.  This is good.


In the back of our minds, we all know there are no tricks. There are no shortcuts. There is just the day. A day to do what we can, the best we can, for as long as we can. When we approach each day like that, it all becomes new.

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