John Baxter

Problem-Solving Adjuvant Cohere®

By John Baxter

Sticker/spreaders are a type of adjuvant that you can mix in a sprayer tank with insecticides, fungicides, or foliar fertilizers to make the product stick to the plant you are spraying and also disperse evenly over your plants.

Many sticker/spreaders help reduce drifting, where most of your product blows away with the wind. Most also have waterproofing and anti-evaporation properties.

At Helena, we recommend Cohere as a great sticker to use. Cohere is a film-free, wax-soluble adjuvant with the spreader/sticker properties of a nonionic surfactant. It has excellent sticking and spreading qualities, and, unlike most stickers, it does not need sunlight to set the solution.
Cohere has a much higher degree of coverage as it contains a surface melding technology that allows the spray solution to penetrate the plant’s surface. Cohere also possesses impressive rainfastness, as well as a superior safety level at label rates on a wide variety of crops and with a wide variety of ag chemistries.

As if that’s not enough, it also resists UV degradation, leaves no sticky residue on spray equipment, and does not tie up systemic fungicides and insecticides.

All of these benefits can help you improve the performance of your fungicide and insecticide applications. If you have any questions or want to experience Cohere’s superiority for yourself, contact your local Helena representative to get started today.

This column is sponsored by Helena Agri-Enterprises, LLC, and the opinions expressed herein may not reflect those of CFAN or of its advertisers.

BIO: John Baxter is the Florida Division Manager of Helena Agri-Enterprises, LLC. He has proudly served Florida growers at Helena for 25 years, and he also currently serves on the Board of Directors for the Florida Fertilizer & Agrichemical Association. For more information about Helena products or services, or to contact a member of the Florida team, call (813) 626-5121 For more details visit

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