Publisher Letter: Small farms and businesses — a mainstay of America

Independently owned small businesses are a vital ingredient to the economy of our country, and their survival — as well as their success – is imperative. These companies are one of the primary reasons the United States is the beacon of hope and freedom. Particularly, farmers who operate small farms qualify as one of the most gritty of these entrepreneurs. Their innovations through the years have led our nation to be self-sufficient when it comes to our food sources.

Through the years with all of its economic ups and downs, the power of small businesses (including small farms) and the cultivation of new ideas and methods have kept our nation strong.

The economic downturn we’ve all experienced these last few years have been a struggle for millions of Americans across every state line. For entrepreneurs and small businesses, an increase in lending requirements and bureaucratic red tape has made it increasingly difficult for business owners to both get started and/or grow. That being said, farmers and ranchers are a resilient bunch, and when I speak with my many fellow businessmen and women, the optimism that perhaps the worst is behind us is apparent.

Here at Central Florida Media Group (CFMG) we appreciate your continued readership and feedback. As a small business that is only a couple of years old now, we at CFMG know firsthand what it takes to build a company from the ground up. The thing that keeps our dreams alive are our loyal readers and advertisers from around the state who value the love and attention that goes into every single edition. Please make sure you take a moment to check out the businesses that advertise throughout our pages. They are the heart and soul of our community and would love the chance to show you why small businesses are the key to our great nation’s future. Thanks again for reading Central Florida Ag News.



Nelson Kirkland is publisher of Central Florida Ag News. He may be reached by e-mail at

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