Publisher Letter: The journey has just begun

This month marks the third anniversary of Central Florida Media Group. Three years ago last month, as I packed up boxes and took down 24 years worth of plaques, awards and pictures off the walls in my office at the newspaper, I could not have imagined how things would work out three short years later. [emember_protected custom_msg=”Click here and register now to read the rest of the article!”]

Central Florida Media Group was born in March of 2010; by July, with the endorsement of the Polk County Farm Bureau, our very first publication, Central Florida Ag News, hit the street. Long-time readers may recall … it was the one with Sheriff Grady Judd and Florida Blueberry Growers Association President Bill Braswell on the cover. We figured no one would know what Ag News was, but everyone would recognize Sheriff Judd, pick up that first publication, open it, read it and (fingers crossed) like it.

The plan worked.

Central Florida Ag News has grown to cover four counties in our region and, thanks to our advertisers and readers, it continues to grow. Additionally, our company was blessed to launch a suite of various publications endorsed by the Polk County Medical Association as well as the Florida Blueberry Growers Association and Webber International University.

Central Florida Media Group, however, isn’t just about printed magazines. Everything we do is online, and 18 months ago we ventured into content creation for others: Social media management, publicity, and content-based website development. These inbound marketing services have diversified our business, made our company more valuable to our clients and helped to ensure the company’s long-term viability as a media company.

I am often asked by business folks I run into these days that know a little about our brief history: “How’s business going?” My patent and standard answer these days is: “Well, we aren’t flying to Hawaii on vacation anytime soon, but we’re doing okay.” In year three, this honest answer is more than I could have ever hoped for. Thanks go to our readers and advertising and media clients, as well as an extremely dedicated and talented staff. Lastly, but certainly not least, the good Lord above and my family.

Thanks all. CFMG has more things planned on the horizon that we hope you will like, but that’s another story. The journey has just begun.



Nelson Kirkland is publisher of Central Florida Ag News. He may be reached by e-mail at



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