Publisher Letter: Quality time with the family

READING ABOUT ALL THE GREAT ways to enjoy Florida definitely gives me the itch to get outdoors! In the Kirkland family, to say we are water enthusiasts would be an understatement. My wife, Dot, and I are both Certified Advanced Scuba Divers. Over the years, we’ve been fortunate enough to have the opportunity to dive at beautiful locations all over the world: Roatan, Honduras, and the Cayman Islands were two of our most memorable adventures together. Nowadays, since the expendable income doesn’t seem to come as easily as it used to in better economic times, we keep the scuba diving recreation close to home and make trips down to the Florida Keys to get our fix.

Our now 14-year-old son Cooper is following in our footsteps with a love for water. He is a Certified Youth Scuba Diver and enjoys the hobby as much as we do. As a family, we try to pull away from the daily grind and get away to Islamorada once a year, which is really a special treat for us. Little Gasparilla Island is another Florida favorite spot of ours to visit, and no doubt, if we’re fortunate we’ll be able to go again next year.

Besides being Florida water enthusiasts, we also enjoy attending University of Central Florida home football games together. Since UCF is our alma mater (Class of 1985 – GO KNIGHTS!), Dot and I are loyal fans and try to never miss a game. Coop really enjoys watching football as well, but all-the-more-so playing in the Winter Haven Youth Football League. He also plays soccer and basketball. (We try to keep him busy).

I say all this to lead up to the point that no matter what your hobby is or where you like to practice that diversion, I think doing it with the people who matter most in your life is what makes it a priceless pastime.

I hope you enjoy this edition, and thanks for reading Central Florida Ag News.



Nelson Kirkland is publisher of Central Florida Ag News. He may be reached by e-mail at

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