Riding for the Brand

by ALEX BRYANT, Frostproof High School

There are many men on this earth,
Both cowboys and city folk
Who might not know what the Brand is worth,
There’s men that are calm and men that are mild
Men that are rowdy and men that are wild
But there are men who Ride For the Brand
The men who strongly believe in how they stand
These men are always man enough to admit
And they will surely never quit
These man never fear the devil’s sword
Nor the politicians who cheat and lie
For they will always thank and praise their Almighty Lord
They’ll continue to drive and tend to their cattle
Through just about any battle.
They’ll saddle up and ride through rain or sleet
And will always be determined to never be beat
They’ll never fear to speak their mind
To neither friend nor foe
For they can always find their way out of a bind
They can fight, cuss, and deal with broke bones
But when it comes to women and children
They’ll always have the proper tone
They don’t care about being rich
And every morning, they’ll continue to tighten their cinch
These men and women are a rare breed
For when it comes to their God and instruction
They will always believe and adhere
So if you’ve got any sand
Strive to Ride for the Brand

Who’s Gonna Fill Their Shoes?


When that old timer is no longer here
Who’s gonna tend to the cattle and work the land
In which he did for so many years
What’s gonna be the young generation’s choice
When that wealthy businessman comes
And offers big money for that land to be destroyed
When there’s cattle to be hunted
Who’s gonna ride out before daylight
And do as his father or grandfather would’ve instructed
When the young horses need to be rode
Who’s gonna buck up
And not worry about being throwed
When a cow dies and that calf needs a bottle
Who’s gonna have the care and knowledge
In which that old timer modeled
And when there is dire need for a good steward
Who’s gonna step up
And continue to grow the herd
There’s a legacy ladies and gentlemen we can’t afford to lose
That’s why the question sits hard on my mind
To just wonder who’s gonna fill their shoes

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