
Alternative methods of growing crops in a tough environment

PROGRESSIVE GROWERS today are looking for alternative growing methods for conventional farming and gardening. They are seeking alternatives to chemical sprays for fungicides and pesticides. Their desire is to become better and more efficient growers by developing a mind-set of sustainability as they come to understand harsh chemicals and overfertilization do much damage to the

Alternative methods of growing crops in a tough environment Read More »

William "Bill" Doty

Victory over weeds, pests and more

July has arrived and the battle to keep your lawn and garden looking victorious has commenced. Here are some tips you can arm yourself with. Now is the time for summer fertilization of your lawn. Repairing, renovating, or planting are also good ideas. Before planting, don’t forget to work organic materials, such as peat, manure,

Victory over weeds, pests and more Read More »

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