
The best defense is a good offense — with The Tree Defender

Article sponsored by Southern Citrus Nurseries, 5600 Lake Trask Road, Dundee, FL 33838 863-439-3694 • Southern Citrus Nurseries of Dundee develops tree cover for young citrus trees THOMAS “TOMMY” THAYER, JR., AND SCOTT “SCOTTY” THOMPSON, the creators of The Tree Defender, have an analogy they like to share when they talk about their innovative

The best defense is a good offense — with The Tree Defender Read More »

Taking a teamwork approach to science

UF/IFAS rebuilding research ranks with new funding POLK, HILLSBOROUGH and surrounding Florida farmers and natural resource managers are about to reap a huge brain gain. In its recently passed budget, the state Legislature provided enough money to the University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences to hire more than 45 new faculty members.

Taking a teamwork approach to science Read More »

The search for a cure

Leadership is everything. As the feckless 113th Congress failed to pass the 2013 Farm Bill, Florida’s legislature resolved to address the Florida citrus industry’s greatest challenge — the disease of citrus greening, or HLB. During the 2013 session, the Florida Legislature funded $9.5 million from the state budget for citrus greening research and other activities

The search for a cure Read More »

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