Publisher Letter: A video worth sharing

Every once in a while, we watch a commercial that is more than just a marketing ploy meant to try and get us to buy something. They are diamonds in the rough, for sure, but sometimes a commercial is also a reminder of something much more important than any product. Rather than a sales pitch, every now and then we hear a message that captures a part of the American spirit and resounds in all of us. During the Super Bowl, the Ram brand unveiled a commercial that declared 2013 as “The Year of the Farmer.”

The narrator from the clip is none other than radio broadcast legend Paul Harvey — a man who was famous for his unwavering commitment to America’s heartland and the people who have kept it growing through the years. When he passed away on February 28, 2009, The New York Times printed that “he championed rugged individualism, love of God and country, and the fundamental decency of ordinary people.”

As images of the farmer’s lifestyle flash before our eyes, we connect with the endearing values presented: Supporting a family, working long hours, and making a contribution to our community. In the spirit of the American farmer, Ram brand is running a campaign to support Future Farmers of America and assist in local hunger and education programs. For every person who watches the video and shares a farmer image (called a “badge”) via social media, Ram will make a donation to FFA. I shared the “I’m Proud to Be a Farmer” badge, but there’s a badge for everyone, so I encourage you to check it out and support a noble cause. Scan the QR code here with your smartphone or click here to watch the video and share your badge now.


column by Nelson Kirkland

Nelson Kirkland is publisher of Central Florida Ag News. He may be reached by e-mail at



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