

Commissioner’s AgriCorner

Preserving Our Way of Life With more than 1,000 people moving to Florida every day...

Recipe Spotlight: Favorite Recipes that Paint Your Plate Blue

WE HAVE HAD A LOT OF FUN cooking and eating Central Florida blueberries since I...

Recipe Spotlight: It’s easy cooking green

  For good health and good rating, snap the beans and boil the collards FARM-GROWN...

Recipe Spotlight: What to do with all those strawberries from your U-pick adventures

SO, YOU AND THE KIDS went strawberry picking. Or, you and the kids went strawberry...

Ag Time with Abby: Celebrating the many ‘firsts’ from the Polk County Youth Fair

THE 2017 ANNUAL POLK COUNTY YOUTH FAIR has come and gone. Every year is a...

Commissioner’s AgriCorner: Just for wounded veterans

TWO AMERICAN SOLDIERS sustained significant injuries across the street from one another, a year apart...

Recipe Spotlight: There’s citrus you can pair with that

ONE OF THE JOYS of living in Central Florida is just-picked citrus. We had citrus...

Ag Time with Abby: Farm highlight at Roosevelt Academy

OVER THE PAST few years, schools around Polk County have been adding new components to...

Ag Time with Abby: Recreation and fun for the whole family while supporting FFA

WHEN I SAY we’re off to a great year, boy, oh boy, do I mean...

Recipe Spotlight: Cooking ideas for your fresh catch

THE SHOPPER in the family knows how pricey meat is. It’s easy to spend what...

Commissioner’s AgriCorner: Judi Whitson is the 2016 Woman of the Year in Agriculture

AGRICULTURE IN FLORIDA is high-tech. It’s not Old McDonald’s Farm anymore, and in order to...

Commissioner’s AgriCorner: Farm to School program update

THE BEGINNING OF EACH school year ushers in a whole new set of experiences for...

Summer BreakSpot: Spreading Florida’s agricultural bounty when school is out

AS FLORIDA’S COMMISSIONER OF AGRICULTURE, directing more locally grown products to Florida’s school cafeterias and...

Commissioner’s AgriCorner: Strengthening Florida’s livestock industry

State’s Bronson Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory modernized FLORIDA’S FARMERS AND RANCHERS face a variety of...

Ag Time with Abby: What does ag education actually teach?

IN RECENT REPORTS, there has been talk of doing away with agriculture education due to...

Commissioner’s AgriCorner: State preserves record 2,500 acres of environmentally sensitive ag land

FOR CENTURIES, Florida’s farmers and ranchers have served as Florida’s original conservationists and great stewards...

Commissioner’s AgriCorner: Rolling out a multifaceted plan for continued support of Florida citrus

FLORIDA IS KNOWN for its white sandy beaches, world-class attractions, and (my personal favorite) citrus...

Ag Time with Abby: Careers in ag — Top 10 fields of interest

AS WE ARE KICKING OFF our new year, I am sure most, if not all...

Commissioner’s AgriCorner: Water is top priority this legislative session

THE FLORIDA LEGISLATURE will begin its annual 60-day legislative session on January 12, and I’m...

Ag Time with Abby: New FFA chapter takes root

IT IS ALWAYS exciting to have a new chapter established in the FFA, especially when...

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