

Florida Roots

Florida’s Favorite Red, Juicy, Triangle by MARY TOOTHMAN There’s no question that watermelon is a...

Harvest Time: Catching up With Tom West Blueberries

How Did the Farm’s Switch from Citrus to Berries Pan Out? by MARY TOOTHMAN  The...


Looking to the Soil for Solutions in the Fight Against Greening On 15 acres at...

Recipe Spotlight

Adding Citrus to Your Summertime Cookout We have determined that every day is cookout day...

Commissioner’s AgriCorner

Preserving Our Way of Life With more than 1,000 people moving to Florida every day...

Recipe Spotlight: Favorite Recipes that Paint Your Plate Blue

WE HAVE HAD A LOT OF FUN cooking and eating Central Florida blueberries since I...

Recipe Spotlight: It’s easy cooking green

  For good health and good rating, snap the beans and boil the collards FARM-GROWN...

Recipe Spotlight: What to do with all those strawberries from your U-pick adventures

SO, YOU AND THE KIDS went strawberry picking. Or, you and the kids went strawberry...

Ag Time with Abby: Celebrating the many ‘firsts’ from the Polk County Youth Fair

THE 2017 ANNUAL POLK COUNTY YOUTH FAIR has come and gone. Every year is a...

Commissioner’s AgriCorner: Just for wounded veterans

TWO AMERICAN SOLDIERS sustained significant injuries across the street from one another, a year apart...

Recipe Spotlight: There’s citrus you can pair with that

ONE OF THE JOYS of living in Central Florida is just-picked citrus. We had citrus...

Ag Time with Abby: Farm highlight at Roosevelt Academy

OVER THE PAST few years, schools around Polk County have been adding new components to...

Ag Time with Abby: Recreation and fun for the whole family while supporting FFA

WHEN I SAY we’re off to a great year, boy, oh boy, do I mean...

Recipe Spotlight: Cooking ideas for your fresh catch

THE SHOPPER in the family knows how pricey meat is. It’s easy to spend what...

Commissioner’s AgriCorner: Judi Whitson is the 2016 Woman of the Year in Agriculture

AGRICULTURE IN FLORIDA is high-tech. It’s not Old McDonald’s Farm anymore, and in order to...

Commissioner’s AgriCorner: Farm to School program update

THE BEGINNING OF EACH school year ushers in a whole new set of experiences for...

Summer BreakSpot: Spreading Florida’s agricultural bounty when school is out

AS FLORIDA’S COMMISSIONER OF AGRICULTURE, directing more locally grown products to Florida’s school cafeterias and...

Commissioner’s AgriCorner: Strengthening Florida’s livestock industry

State’s Bronson Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory modernized FLORIDA’S FARMERS AND RANCHERS face a variety of...

Ag Time with Abby: What does ag education actually teach?

IN RECENT REPORTS, there has been talk of doing away with agriculture education due to...

Commissioner’s AgriCorner: State preserves record 2,500 acres of environmentally sensitive ag land

FOR CENTURIES, Florida’s farmers and ranchers have served as Florida’s original conservationists and great stewards...

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