

Busy Summer to Be Followed by Even Busier School Year

The 2023-2024 school year is off to a busy start! Our students attended several events...

Polk County Year in Review

by JESSICA ANDERSON To say this year has been a busy year may be a...

Polk County Year in Review

by JESSICA ANDERSON To say this year has been a busy year may be a...

Polk FFA Members Wrap Up a Busy Month

by CHARLEIGH WOOD, Polk County FFA Federation President The month of March has been nothing...

Polk Students Rise to the Top at State Fair

by JESSICA ANDERSON The Polk County students have once again made their mark at the...

Polk Youth Fair Has Much to Offer Beyond the Animals

by MYKAELA BILLINGSLEY, Polk County FFA Federation Officer Photo by TOM HAGERTY This year the...

Students Busy Participating in Events and Preparing for the Fair

by HANNAH CLAYTON, Polk County FFA Federation Officer December was a busy month for many...

FFA Corner

Students Score Well in Competitions, Gear Up for Sub-Districts by JESSICA ANDERSON Polk County FFA...

Students Accept the Challenge to Promote Agriculture Literacy

by JASMYN BILLANO, Polk County FFA Federation Vice-President From hurricanes to cold fronts, Polk County...

Kicking Off Competition Season With Fall Preliminaries

by TESSA MULLIS, Polk County FFA Federation Officer With school back in session, FFA chapters...

Plenty of FFA Events on Tap for Fall

by LINDSEY TRUE, Polk County FFA Federation Vice President Hey everybody! Welcome to the 2022-23...

Summer Didn’t Slow FFA Member Participation

by CHARLEIGH WOOD, Polk County FFA Federation President School may have been out for the...

In the Heartland: Mark Your Calendar

Cattlewomen’s Annual Fun Shoot Funds to Go to Scholarships by DAPHNE RENELUS If you’ve never...

Ag Rec Update: The Florida Python Challenge™ 2020 Python Bowl

The Florida Everglades is an extraordinary ecosystem unlike any other in the world! It is...

Polk County Farm Bureau President’s Letter: December 2019

Polk County Farm Bureau members traveled to Tallahassee this month to hold discussions of key...

Kidz Outdoors Forming Relationships, Fighting Childhood Diseases

by MATT NORMAN The great outdoors have long served as a way to explore and...

AgriShopper: Tools for Making Cooking Easier

When you live in an agriculture minded state and strive to keep a healthy lifestyle...

Harvest Time

Farm Safety 101 While the total number of agricultural fatalities has been decreasing in recent...

Florida Roots

Florida’s Favorite Red, Juicy, Triangle by MARY TOOTHMAN There’s no question that watermelon is a...

Harvest Time: Catching up With Tom West Blueberries

How Did the Farm’s Switch from Citrus to Berries Pan Out? by MARY TOOTHMAN  The...

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