

Commissioner’s AgriCorner: Rolling out a multifaceted plan for continued support of Florida citrus

FLORIDA IS KNOWN for its white sandy beaches, world-class attractions, and (my personal favorite) citrus...

Ag Time with Abby: Careers in ag — Top 10 fields of interest

AS WE ARE KICKING OFF our new year, I am sure most, if not all...

Commissioner’s AgriCorner: Water is top priority this legislative session

THE FLORIDA LEGISLATURE will begin its annual 60-day legislative session on January 12, and I’m...

Ag Time with Abby: New FFA chapter takes root

IT IS ALWAYS exciting to have a new chapter established in the FFA, especially when...

Recipe Spotlight: Color your plate red and green for the holidays

THE REASON for Christmas , the birth of baby Jesus, goes back more than 2,000...

Recipe Spotlight: Cooking with herbs to dress up any plate

FRESH IS BIG in the world of food. And food doesn’t get much fresher than...

Commissioner’s AgriCorner: The time for bold water policy is now

WATER IS THE BIGGEST long-term challenge facing Florida. And that is exactly why I have...

Ag Time with Abby: FFA wants to amplify on ag causes and careers

{Amp•li•fy — increase of volume} THE THEME of the 2014-15 National FFA year was to...

Ag Time with Abby: The #20BuckTruck fundraiser for the Polk County Youth Fair

THE POLK COUNTY FFA chapters and 4-H clubs have been all about fundraising this year!...

Recipe Spotlight: What to cook up with your fresh catch

THERE’S SOMETHING fishy in the state of Florida. And it’s all over the place. Just...

Ag Time with Abby: Local agri-educators and why teaching is their passion

THE 2015-2016 school year is well under way! We have a lot of exciting events...

Commissioner’s AgriCorner: Bringing Florida’s harvest to school cafeterias

IN THE PHOTO: Since the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services assumed responsibility of...

Recipe Spotlight: What’s cooking this fall from your local farmers’ market

IT’S TOO darn hot ! That’s a given in Central Florida. But we still have...

Ag Time with Abby: There’s something for everyone in ag

IT’S THAT TIME AGAIN. The school buses will in route, the bells will be ringing...

Recipe Spotlight: When life gives you lemons, make more than just lemonade

WHEN FLORIDA gives you lemons, you should make something tasty. Maybe tart. Could be tangy...

PCFB President’s Column: Many deserve thanks for giving ag a boost in legislative session

“WHY DO YOU FARM?” This is a question that most farmers and ranchers hear over...

Commissioner’s AgriCorner: Employing every tool in the toolbox to find a solution for HLB

FLORIDA GROWERS just harvested the smallest orange crop in nearly 50 years, and all because...

Ag Time with Abby: Being part of the revolution

IN THE PHOTOS: Left, FFA youth ham it up during the 87th Annual Florida FFA...

Ag Time with Abby: Class of 2015, you did it!

CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL the graduating seniors — the Class of 2015! You have made it...

Commissioner’s AgriCorner: Century Pioneer Family Farms

SINCE THE ARRIVAL of European explorers in the 1500s, agriculture has played a critical role...

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