Equine wellness programs, Part II

PREVENTIVE VETERINARY MEDICINE for horses treats the animal at its peak health and aids the owner in having a knowledgeable grasp of their horse’s physical and behavioral traits. Our Equine Wellness Programs are an essential and beneficial tool in maintaining the health and wellness of your horse. The program options fit the individual needs of your horses and include routine vaccinations, dental exams and floats, physical exams, parasite treatments, Coggins tests, blood and fecal tests, and sheath cleanings. [emember_protected custom_msg=”Click here and register now to read the rest of the article!”]

The routine vaccinations, including the Coggins test, reduce the risk and spreading of infectious diseases. Vaccinations in each program are based on age and activity of each horse, geographic, environmental, and exposure factors. To ensure healthy mouth, teeth, and gums each program offers routine dental exams and, if needed, a float. The physical exams are optimized according to the horses comprehensive health and activity. Heart health and lungs, temperature and weight, intestinal system, and eyes are all thoroughly examined.

Parasites are a common threat for horses. We ship dewormers directly to you according to the program that fits your horse’s needs. Blood and fecal tests are used to help determine numerous conditions and diseases before they can become problematic. Sheath cleanings are also an important wellness care treatment and aid you in the total care of your horse.

Our Equine Wellness Programs 1 and 2 are total comprehensive healthcare programs. They contribute to your peace of mind in knowing your horse is receiving premium preventative healthcare.

For further program details, check out our website at http://polkequine.com. I can be reached at (863) 287-8413 or by email at





BIO: Dr. Katie Hennessy graduated from the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine in 2008 with a degree in large animal health and equine medicine. After completing an advanced internship and working as an associate veterinarian, she is currently practicing at Polk Equine, LLC. Her expertise ranges from small and exotic creatures to large animals, specializing in equine medicine. [/emember_protected]

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