With all the rain we’ve gotten the past few months, the nutrients in the soil needs to be restored, and now is the perfect time to do it. The changing of seasons for autumn is upon us, so here are some essential reminders to help keep your lawn and garden looking pristine and the envy of the neighborhood.[emember_protected custom_msg=”Click here and register now to read the rest of the article!”]
During the month of October it is vital to fertilize your lawn in order to assure the growth of a strong root system. This will enable a quick take off next spring and keep your lawn looking the way it should. Watch lawns for signs of fungus, mole crickets, chinch bugs, or worms. Should you find any pests, we’ve got just the solutions you need.
It’s also time to fertilize fruit trees, shade trees, and woody shrubs with a good balanced fertilizer containing minor elements. This helps winter survival and has the trees ready to go once spring arrives next year.
If you’re garden needs a little attention, then now is the time to plant winter vegetable gardens and hardy annuals. Make sure to prepare your plant beds properly using peat, manure, and bone meal. Once the beds are ready, ensure that you feed them lightly but frequently. It’s also important to dust or spray every week or two with a combination fungicide and insecticide. The use of Thuricide will help eliminate worms and caterpillars, while not harming beneficial insects.
BIO: William R. “Bill” Doty is the owner of Doty’s Farm and Garden Supply Inc. Founded in 1954, Doty Farm and Garden Supply, Inc. has been there for every one of their loyal customer’s budding needs. Bill Graduated from Winter Haven H.S. and then Florida State University, where he learned invaluable lessons in listening, asking questions, and reading anything related to the family business. Bill shares his knowledge with his customers’ daily and our readers each month. [/emember_protected]