William "Bill" Doty

Tips and tricks: Lawn and garden management for October

AS THE COOLER months of the year approach, it’s important to ensure that your garden is ready to withstand any obstacle Mother Nature may throw at it. Here at Doty Farm and Garden Supply, Inc., we are dedicated to helping your plants, lawns, and trees get the protection they need.

It’s time to plant winter vegetable gardens and hardy annuals. Prepare beds properly (peat, manure, and bone meal) and feed lightly, but frequently. Dust or spray every week or two with a combination fungicide and insecticide. The next important tip is to fertilize your fruit trees, shade trees, and woody shrubs with a good balanced fertilizer containing minor elements. This helps winter survival and has them strong and ready to go in the spring.

The final valuable piece of advice is to fertilize lawns for strong root systems and quick takeoff next spring. Watch lawns for signs of fungus or mole crickets, chinch bugs, or worms. Use turf fungicide for fungus and Turf Ranger or Bifenthrin for the mole crickets, chinch bugs, or worms. At Doty’s, you’re always welcome to bring in a soil sample and we will analyze it for you. Just make sure that your sample is dry.

Stick with these essential tips and you’ll ensure that the job of protecting your valuable plants, lawns, and trees is done right the first time.



BIO: William R. “Bill” Doty is owner of Doty Farm and Garden Supply Inc., founded in Winter Haven in 1954. Bill graduated from Winter Haven High School and Florida State University. Growing up, he learned valuable lessons in listening and asking questions and was a student of the family business. Bill shares his knowledge with his customers daily and with our readers monthly.

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