Don’t get left behind. Take advantage of the summer lull to learn about and adopt new technological strategies for the upcoming citrus season. [emember_protected custom_msg=”Click here and register now to read the rest of the article!”]
You may want to create an electronic records retention system to keep track of pest and nutritional sprays, production work orders, worker protection standards, and material safety data sheets. Or you may want to automate your harvest ticketing process by capturing the ticket in the field or on the citrus harvesting goat. What about barcoding tickets with the contract number and supplier’s name?
You’ve got even more options. Roll out electronic timekeeping for contracted harvesting crews. Or streamline the payroll by keeping electronic records.
Don’t let the learning curve stand in your way. We’re offering free Lunch N Learn sessions for growers, harvesters, and crop caretakers. Our goal? To educate the industry about new technological options, and the benefits of digital technology in overcoming challenges in the agriculture industry.
Choose either the July 17 or July 24 session focusing on electronics recordkeeping for chemical compliance management. The focus is on citrus caretaking. The meetings will run from 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m. at The Vault, Downstairs Conference Room, 150 Third Street, SW, Winter Haven. Reserve a place by emailing me at or by calling (863) 297-9293 Ext. 200. If you’d like to know more, send me an email or call me on my cell at (863) 224-0299.
This column is sponsored by Rick Montney and Propak Software.
column by by RICK MONTNEY
BIO: Rick Montney is the Vice President of ProPak Software. His extensive experience spans over 35 years in business information systems technologies with previous employment at Exxon Office Systems, Information & Computing Services, & IBM. For the past 20 years his focus has been on agricultural software technologies.