Technology is dramatically changing the way we do business in the ag world. Farms that could not get Internet service are now getting service. The range and signals are stronger too.[emember_protected custom_msg=”Click here and register now to read the rest of the article!”]
And now, in Polk County, we have access to one of the newest technologies: Super WiFi. Through the local provider Alternative Wireless, we will be able to use vacant frequencies not utilized by television.
Called “TV White Spaces,” these vacant frequencies are between television channels in the VHF/UHF range. They have been made available because of broadcast TV’s transition to Digital TV, which is more efficient.
So what does that mean to you?
• Broadband access from your remote barn;
• Internet applications for agriculture;
• Mobile computing; and
• Surveillance cameras for fuel and chemical inventories.
The new technology, which is well suited for rural broadband, allows services like Internet, phone, and surveillance cameras to be used cost effectively. So it’s an exciting time. Soon we will all become like the comic strip legend, Dick Tracy, a police detective famous for his high-tech watch.
column by RICK MONTNEY
BIO: Rick Montney is the Vice President of ProPak Software. His extensive experience spans over 35 years in business information systems technologies with previous employment at Exxon Office Systems, Information & Computing Services, & IBM. For the past 20 years his focus has been on agricultural software technologies. [/emember_protected]