cold supply chain

Key players in the cold supply chain

From highly efficient mobile and warehouse refrigeration units to digital time-and-temperature recorders and temperature-reading infrared “guns,” significant technology is employed in the cold supply chain to maintain food product freshness and ensure the safety of food consumers. [emember_protected custom_msg=”Click here and register now to read the rest of the article!”] But, it’s still people —

Key players in the cold supply chain Read More »

Ben Adams, Jr.

Strengthening the links in the chain

Companies that do international business and trade in agricultural commodities and packaged food products must meet tough international standards to ensure the confidence and health safety of the end user or consumer. For companies in the cold supply chain, the channel for products that require refrigeration to prevent spoilage, there is no more stringent international

Strengthening the links in the chain Read More »

Ben Adams, Jr.

Third-party audits — insuring the cold chain

THIRD-PARTY AUDITORS are independent, industry audit certification bodies that verify all aspects of self-policing and adherence to standards. These audits cost thousands of dollars to engage, disrupt normal business operations, and costs thousands of additional dollars in overtime, “tweaking” systems, and preparation. Third-party audits are not only necessary (and in many cases mandatory by customers),

Third-party audits — insuring the cold chain Read More »

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