The Spirit of Christmas Is a Gift to All

At times, Christianity seems to focus more on “shouldn’t” as opposed to “should,” or “can’t” as opposed to “can.” Positivity over pessimism is hard work.  

This holiday season is unique because all of us across the globe are exposed to the same pandemic menace regardless of race, color or creed. It is similar to the first Christmas celebrating the birth of Christ in that on the date we designate, December 25, a positive missive went out across the globe carrying a message of hope to all persons, a message in all languages that knew no borders.

The same message will be sent this month to us, Muslim families marooned in refugee camps in Syria, Buddhist families in Thailand, families in Bethlehem or Siberia, and believers and non-believers in religion across the globe. The message of goodwill, peace and health is not restrictive, but expansive.

The Christmas season will be unique because we’ll focus on the health of our nation rather than material things, give thanks for our neighbors who leave in the middle of night to help the sick, knowing no set hours, no day off, no day of rest.

The Claus family would be the first to say, “Maybe this year Santa should take a back seat, focus on the young; the adults instead look out across the community searching for those in need. We have three special gifts for the leaders of the world, and all with responsibilities to family, associates or friends. Like special clothes they can be worn only by your choice. The first you open is Integrity, the second Wisdom, and the third Compassion.”

Like for many of you, Christmas is typically a time for large gatherings. Not so this year. The Martin family — which is myself, Joy and our daughters Kate and Rachel as well as our law office associate Elianni — wish you a safe holiday season.

We offer you a wish for hope and health, and the perseverance for all of us to find it.

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