
Showing Support for the Future Farmers of America

In June at the 85th annual FFA Convention in Orlando, the Florida FFA Association announced...

AgSmart Calendars Can Automate Work Orders

Some farmers and ranchers use large desk calendars to manage caretaking, manually entering items and...


The impact of globalization and the complex business of agriculture today is epitomized by the...

Grower’s Update: Maintaining Water Lines Important for an Effective Spray Program

Improperly calibrated equipment can quickly dissolve a grower’s checkbook. Many of us recognize that. But...
Ben Adams, Jr.

Supporting the Farm to School Program, Part II

At Adams Cold Storage (ACS) in Auburndale, we were pleased to have had the opportunity...


Class never runs scared. With class, you can meet life head on and handle whatever...

Does the Healthcare Reform Law Apply to You? – Part I

Beginning in 2014, the mandatory health insurance coverage provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable...

Plan Ahead to Protect Your Business from Hurricane Losses

The hurricane season typically peaks between August and October, so act now to protect your...
Katie Hennessy

What is Grass Tetany in Cattle

Grass tetany is also known as hypomagnesaemia (or grass staggers), and is a magnesium (Mg)...
William "Bill" Doty

Victory over weeds, pests and more

July has arrived and the battle to keep your lawn and garden looking victorious has...
Katie Hennessy

What is bovine trichimoniasis in cattle?

Trichimoniasis is a venereal infection of cattle that is caused by the protozoan Tritrichomonas foetus...
Ben Adams, Jr.

Supporting the Farm to School program, Part I

The Florida Farm to School program. You might have heard about it, particularly if you...

Dealing with HLB: Learning lessons from the past

My late grandfather used to tell me, “There’s no future in the past … but...

How rising interest rates affect bond holdings

The ability to predict interest rates is, at best, speculative. To put it politely, no...

Thanks, Mr. Speaker of the House

In the spring of 1971 I traveled to Tallahassee as attorney for the Polk County...

Lunch N Learn: Gearing up for next citrus season

Don’t get left behind. Take advantage of the summer lull to learn about and adopt...

What’s holding you down?

“When you have an elephant by the hind leg, and he is trying to run...

A little relief through tax-deferred exchanges of real estate

If you are in the agriculture business, chances are you have invested in real estate...

Business strategies: How to manage your time

When things get hectic on your farm or ranch, it’s easy to become overwhelmed. The...

The search for a cure

Leadership is everything. As the feckless 113th Congress failed to pass the 2013 Farm Bill...

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