

Recipe Spotlight: In peach anticipation

ANTICIPATION can be disappointing. We were at a dog show in Georgia — you know...

PCFB President’s Column: Legislative Wrap-Up event gets bumped

EACH YEAR, immediately following the end of the Legislative Session, the Polk County Farm Bureau...

Commissioner’s AgriCorner: Growing ‘Fresh From Florida’

MORE THAN 47,000 farms in Florida work day in and day out to produce the...

Ag Time with Abby: Memoirs of an Ag Literacy Day reader

AG LITERACY DAY was held April 21, and our local FFA chapters spent their day...

Recipe Spotlight: A good bell pepper deserves a great stuffing

NOW IS THE TIME to get stuffing. Not turkeys, that’s months away, but sweet peppers...

Commissioner’s AgriCorner: An update on Operation Outdoor Freedom and Camp Prairie

FLORIDA IS HOME to more than 1.5 million veterans who have served our nation proudly...

PCFB President’s Column: Polk Agri-Fest features special and big-name guests

AS I WRITE this column, Polk County Agri-Fest is in full swing! Our special guests...

Ag Time with Abby: Spotlighting FFA member Miss Bailey Buchanon

BAILEY BUCHANON, 17, of Lake Gibson FFA, was recently selected to represent the Polk County...

Recipe Spotlight: Pizza night made delicious with a Fresh-from-Florida pie

WHEN IS A CHEESE and tomato sandwich not a sandwich? When it’s a pizza...

One student’s journey in the 4-H Leadership Program

| Thomas Perry discovers his ability to be a frontrunner for his community | AT...

Ag Time with Abby: Spotlighting the Frostproof FFA chapter

In the photo: Members of the Frostproof Middle FFA get together for a photo on...

Commissioner’s AgriCorner: Strengthening Florida’s livestock industry

FLORIDA’S FARMERS and ranchers face a variety of threats, including pests, disease, and market changes...

Recipe Spotlight: Sharing the red, juicy strawberry bounty

WE HARVEST STRAWBERRIES in spring and pull off the road to buy them at farm...

Commissioner’s AgriCorner: Woe to us if we don’t stop the EPA’s proposed regulations on W.O.T.U.S.

The EPA (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency) has once again made an attempt to expand federal...

Ag Time with Abby: Day-by-day highlights from the Polk County Youth Fair

Photo captions: (Top left) The Fat Chance Show Team won the Team Herdsman Award. (Bottom...

Recipe Spotlight: Cooking with your edible garden

THE RADISHES are poking their little green heads up in the garden. It won’t be...

Ag Time with Abby: Can you smell what’s in the air?

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Can you smell that? It smells like pigs, cows, barbecue, cake, walking...

Commissioner’s AgriCorner: With increased trade, comes new threats

OUR ECONOMY is more global than ever. Boundaries, currencies, and cultures are no longer impediments...

Commissioner’s AgriCorner: Florida farmers stay one step ahead of winter

KNOWN AS THE NATION’S “winter salad bowl,” Florida produces an abundance of the freshest and...

FFA Corner: Ag Time with Abby

| ’Tis the season to serve and think about your future in the ag industry...

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