Florida Club update
| A longstanding ag tradition is diversifying its membership | THE 64-YEAR-OLD FLORIDA CLUB, a...
Florida — and Florida foods — around the world
| State chef creates culinary masterpieces with Gulf seafood at the Olympics | JUSTIN PATRICK...
Hot alternative crops for Florida growers
| Peach and pomegranate crops are gaining popularity in the Sunshine State | CLINT UPDIKE...
KeyPlex in the business of plant health
| Company constructs new plant to meet the needs of its customers | For Florida-based...
There’s a new chicken in town
| Local families keep backyard coops for homegrown eggs | There’s a new chicken in...
Peeling back to the good stuff
| Citrus annual conference has become industry staple | More than 650 people attended the...
Florida roots: One family’s history in Florida hay
IN THE PHOTOS: Left, Dominique “Mingy” Ercoli bales hay on his 90th birthday. Mingy recently...
In the citrus business for the long haul
In the photo: Larry Black with wife Jenny and kids Julia and Varn are among...
The impact of Tropical Storm Debby
Caption: On June 27, 2012, the flooding in some areas of Florida was 3 to...
DOs and DON’Ts for when your horse gets startled
A horse can startle, spook, or shy from a surprising or strange sight, smell, or...
Getting the right breed at the right time
| One rancher’s life pursuit to stay on top of Florida’s cattle commerce while meeting...
@griTech: Colony Collapse Disorder causing concern for apiaries
It is estimated by experts that the U.S. honeybee industry is responsible for pollinating almost...
The latest story on Mr. Story
| Recognized for putting the world of Florida citrus above himself | Here at Central...
Quinn Carter an exhibitor to be reckoned with
High school student has Brangus in the blood Quinn Carter grew up barrel racing, hunting...
A lifelong career with Florida agriculture
In the photo: At the Polk County Farm Bureau Harvest Celebration, Ray Crawford, left and...
Warning signs of heat stress in horses
| Recognize the symptoms and know what to do | “We’re having a heat wave...
A lifelong career with Florida agriculture
Ray Crawford on ‘retired’ life USUALLY, the phrase “hit the ground running” is used to...
Agribiz: Beekeepers learn the value of stings
Apitherapy on the table at the May 2012 Beekeeping Seminar YOU WOULD THINK everyone would...
Florida Roots: One man’s courage to protect our way of life
As we celebrate our freedom on Independence Day with family and fireworks, as well as...
Annual Blueberry Roundup: Florida growers expanding markets for blue gold
WHEN LIFE gives you lemons, make lemonade. Or so the saying goes. But what do...