
Katie Hennessy

Finding Equine Facts

You can find a lot of misleading, incorrect or opinion tainted information searching on the...

FYI: A Great Opportunity for Youth in Ag

The opportunities for children and teenagers in Florida to learn about the interesting, important, and...
Ben Adams, Jr.

A Strong, Yet Flexible Link in the Cold-Supply Chain

An exceedingly strong link in the food cold-supply chain can be a flexible one as...

Minerals, Microbes, and a Food Source: The History of Compost

The principles and benefits of composting can be traced back to the beginning of time...
Katie Hennessy

Protecting Yourself and Your Horse from Rabies

Rabies is a viral disease that causes inflammation of the brain in all mammals.  Humans...

Fostering a Healthy Wildlife Population

Few people understand the needs of the land and wildlife like hunters do.  After all...
William "Bill" Doty

Garden Tips: Before Spring Makes its Grand Entrance

It’s February, which means it’s planting time in your garden.  Get busy by putting your...
Mike Roberts

Ag Tax-Cut Package for Florida Agriculture Proposed

Hurricane Irma did a lot of damage to Florida agriculture in the first half of...

Top 3 Conclusions from the USDA ERS 2017 Report on America’s Diverse Family Farms

by DON HARDEN As a family farmer myself, the status of the family farm and...
William "Bill" Doty

Prepare Your Lawn and Garden for a Great Year

Now that the New Year has arrived, it’s time to make some plant and garden...
Ben Adams, Jr.

Little Known Facts About IQF

Much of the USA began 2018 on an extremely cold and icy footing, quickly bringing...

Soil Health and Your Grove

We need a paradigm shift in agriculture.  I know that’s a bold statement, but let...
Mike Roberts

Florida Cattlemen’s Association Hosts Genetics Technology Lectureship

In addition to proper land management of your pasture, genetics is an important topic when...

Economic Facts About Florida Forestry

When you discuss the big players in Florida agriculture, citrus and beef cattle are usually...

Resolution Idea – Be a Hunter On a Mission

It’s a new year, and many people are looking to improve themselves in some way...
Katie Hennessy

Protecting Your Horse From West Nile Virus

West Nile Virus (WNV) is a mosquito-borne virus that is primarily a bird disease but...

Resolve to Support the Farm Community

If, heading into 2018, you made resolutions for the new year, I hope that at this...
Mike Roberts

Assistance Available for Irma Damaged Ag Land

Hurricane Irma did a significant amount of damage to Florida agriculture with few industries escaping...

Nutrition Farming is Taking Off

Here at Guardian Soil Solutions, we have discovered that taking care of the soil helps...

Can Precision Ag Impact Potential Profits?

If you’re working in ag, you’d be hard-pressed not to have heard of precision agriculture...

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